PAVOL JANIK | globally published writer | PAVOL JANÍK | celosvetovo publikovaný spisovateľ
PAVOL JANIK | Works in anthologies | 2024:
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UK) | WORLD POETRY Yearbook 2024 | Edited by Zhang Zhi (CHINA) | Published by RUBINI PUBLICATION (CYPRUS)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland Smith (UK) | Edited by Germain Droogenbroodt (BELGIUM) | Published by the international anthology POETRY WITHOUT BORDERS | 2024
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland Smith (UK), Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA), Pavol Janik Junior (USA), Zuzana Sasovova (NL) et al. | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka (UK) | Edited by Maria Teresa Luizzo (ITALY) | Published by Albspirit (ALBANIA) | MARCH 11, 2024
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "IT IS BEHIND THE DOORS" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | Literary Portal DYLAN DAY 2024 | Published by Lidia Chiarelli (ITALY) | MARCH 7, 2024
PAVOL JANIK | Works in anthologies | 2023:
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY 2023 | Paintings by Jacqueline Ripstein (USA) | Edited by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (NOVEMBER 2023)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | TODAY'S FEATURED POEM | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | Published by THE POET MAGAZINE | July 31, 2023
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY 2024 | Edited by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (JULY 13, 2023)
POET PAVOL JANIK IN SOUTH AFRICA (PART II) | Written, selected and edited by Mabule Mogale Zachariah Rapola (SOUTH AFRICA) | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James and Viera Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) & Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | Published by Facebook (USA) | April 30, 2023 | Abridged by Pavol Janik
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "A DREAM FROM THE GLASS" | Translated into ENGLISH by by James Suthrerland Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | Literary Portal DYLAN DAY 2023 | Published by Lidia Chiarelli (ITALY) | APRIL 24, 2023
POET PAVOL JANIK IN SOUTH AFRICA | Written, selected and edited by Mabule Mogale Zachariah Rapola (SOUTH AFRICA) | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) & Pavol Janik Junior (USA) | Published by Facebook (USA) | April 16, 2023 | Abridged by Pavol Janik
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) & James Sutherland Smith (UK) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UK) | Anthology WORLD CONTEMPORARY POETS, Volume 1 | 162 world renowned contemporary poet-authors, on 365 pages, the whole circle of our Mother Earth | Edited by Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah (BANGLADESH) | Published by Zlatan Demirovic – Prodigy Published (USA) | January 28, 2023
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) | JANUARY 24, 2023
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2022:
PAVOL JANIK | VIRTUOSO OF SLOVAK LITERATURE in CROATIAN | Translated by Sonja Smolec | 47 POEMS in SLOVAK, ENGLISH and SERBIAN | Translated by James Sutherland-Smith & Smiljana Piksiades | Published in the CROATIAN literary magazine KVAKA | Edited by Sonja Smolec
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR in BENGALI & ENGLISH | Tranlated into BENGALI & edited by Tareq Samin (BANGLADESH) | SAHITTO: INTERNATIONAL POETRY ANTHOLOGY | VOL. 2 | Published by Prodigy (USA) | OCTOBER 08, 2022 | Click on the image for full size view:
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland Smith (UK) | FEATURED POETRY | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | Published by THE POET MAGAZINE | September 1, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Published by Papel y Lapiz | Edited by Aaron Parodi Quiroga | Translated into SPANISH by Elisabetta Bagli | COLUMBIA | AUGUST 20, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by Zuzana Sasovova (NL) | FEATURED POETRY | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | Published by THE POET MAGAZINE | JULY 26, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UK) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UK)) | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY "FAMILY" | Published by THE POET | JULY 20, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UK) | ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY 2023 | Edited by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (JULY 3, 2022)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "NIGHT BUS" | Translated into ENGLISH by by James Sutherland Smith (UK) | Literary Portal LIGHTS FOR THE CITY | Published by Lidia Chiarelli (ITALY) | JUNE 24, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Pisksiades (CANADA) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) | MAY 30, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY OF POETRY | Published by Papel y Lapiz | Edited by Aaron Parodi Quiroga | Translated into SPANISH & ITALIAN by Elisabetta Bagli | COLUMBIA | MAY 15, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UK) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE | February 1, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Pisksiades (CANADA)| International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) | JANUARY 28, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UK) | International Anthology WORLD POETRY TREE | Edited by Adel Khozam | Published by Almaseerah Media & Heritage Consultation (DUBAI | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UK) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) | JANUARY 12, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland Smith (UK) | FEATURED POETRY | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | Published by THE POET MAGAZINE | JANUARY 4, 2022
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2021:
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | International Anthology “THE LITERARY PARROT” | Edited by Dustin Pickering & Mutiu Olawuyi | Published by New York Parrot & Transcendent Zero Press | USA | DECEMBER 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Pavol Janik Junior (USA) & Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UK) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE | DECEMBER 1, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH | in the magazine BELOBOG.SK
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Poems translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UK) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UK) | Edited by Marlene Pasini (MEXICO) | INTERNATIONAL FORUM CREATIVITY AND HUMANITY - president Aziz Mountassir (MOROCCO) | Published by International Anthology POETIC VOICES OF THE WORLD (VOL. II, 2021) | PRINTED IN MEXICO
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) | OCTOBER 17, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA), Pavol Janik Junior (USA) & James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | INTERNATIONAL POET OF THE WEEK | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | Published by THE POET MAGAZINE | OCTOBER 17, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) & James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY "ADVERSITY" | Published by THE POET | OCTOBER 17, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE | OCTOBER 1, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Pratyusha Sarkar & Saikat Ghosh (INDIA) | Published by SAHITYA CAFE INTERNATIONAL | SEPTEMBER, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) | SEPTEMBER 24, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE | SEPTEMBER 1, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | THE YEAR OF THE POET VIII | FEATURED GLOBAL POETS | POEMS “SOMEONE LIKE A GOD” & “KOSOVO” & “NEW YORK” translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by William S. Peters Sr. (USA) | Published by INNER CHILD PRESS INTERNATIONAL | SEPTEMBER 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Pisksiades (CANADA), Pauli Janik (USA) & James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) | AUGUST 22, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (AUGUST 1, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM “NEW YORK” translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Anthology “THE LITERARY PARROT” | Edited by Dustin Pickering & Mutiu Olawuyi | Published by New York Parrot & Transcendent Zero Press | USA | JULY 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "A SHOT" | Translated into ENGLISH by James & Viera Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM & SLOVAKIA) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) (JULY 25, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY "FRIEND'S & FRIENDSHIP" | Published by THE POET | JULY 17, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (OPA) INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY "MIDNIGHT MOMENTS" | JULY 10, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James & Viera Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM & SLOVAKIA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (JULY 1, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "NEW YORK" | International Anthology TRECIEMBRE CORO DE VOCES | Translated into SPANISH by Michael Doubek | Edited by Araceli Saguillo | Published by Editiones Vitruvio | SPAIN | 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "I AM CRYING YOU, MORNING" translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | POEM OF THE DAY | Edited by Robin Barratt (ENGLAND) | Published by THE POET MAGAZINE | MAY 5, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS | Translated into ENGLISH by Zuzana Sasovova (NETHERLANDS) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA & BELGIUM) (MAY 2, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into SERBIAN by Smiljana Piksiades | Anthology WORLD POETS | Edited by Marija Najthefer Popov & Goran Radicevic | Published in SERBIA | 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS, APHORISMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR in SLOVAK | THE LAST MOHICANS | Anthology of works published in the Slovak periodical ROHAC | Edited by Milan Kupecky | 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by Zuzana Sasovova (NETHERLANDS) et al. | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (APRIL 1, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "I AM CRYING YOU, MORNING" | Translated into ENGLISH by by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | Literary Portal DYLAN DAY CELEBRATION | Published by Lidia Chiarelli (ITALY) | MARCH 1, 2021
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "SOMEONE LIKE A GOD" | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (FEBRUARY 26, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (FEBRUARY 1, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR in BENGALI & ENGLISH | Translated into BENGALI & edited by Tareq Samin (BANGLADESH) | INFO translated into CHINESE by Zhi Zhang | SAHITTO: INTERNATIONAL POETRY ANTHOLOGY | JANUARY 8, 2021 | Click on the image for full size view:
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "YOU CAN TELL AN ANGEL FROM HIS FEATHERS" | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (JANUARY 7, 2021)
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2020:
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (DECEMBER 1, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | ANTHOLOGY OF SLOVAK APHORISMS translated into SERBIAN by Aleksandar Cortic | 2020
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "THE THEATER OF LIFE" | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (NOVEMBER 5, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM translated into ROMANIAN by Gabriela Sonnenberg | Poems selected by Germain Droogenbroodt | Published by the international anthology POETRY WITHOUT BORDER | 2020
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (OCTOBER 1, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY 2021 | Edited by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (SEPTEMBER 20, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | from Hurrah, It Burns! (fragments) | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (AUGUST 31, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR in BENGALI & ENGLISH | Tranlated into BENGALI & edited by Tareq Samin (BANGLADESH) | SAHITTO: INTERNATIONAL POETRY ANTHOLOGY | VOL. 2 | AUGUST 20, 2020 | Click on the image for full size view:
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (AUGUST 1, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "NIGHT BUS" translated into NEPALI by Keshab Sigdel | Published by NEPALI Literary Magazine "Kalashree" | 2020 | page 415
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "NIGHT BUS" in NEPALI & ENGLISH | Translated into NEPALI by Keshab Sigdel (NEPAL) & into ENGLISH by James Sutherland_Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | Published by NEPALI Literary Web Magazine" | JULY 23, 2020
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (JULY 14, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | FIVE POEMS in ENGLISH & SLOVAK | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (OPA) INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY "STRIVING FOR SURVIVAL" | JULY 10, 2020
PAVOL JANIK | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | POEMS in ENGLISH & SLOVAK - translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | Published by VOCEA LITERARA | Edited by Trandafir Simpetru (ROMANIA) | JUNE, 13, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | His poetry collection in ENGLISH | “A DICTIONARY OF FOREIGN DREAMS” translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM), Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA), Pauli Janik (USA), Zuzana Sasovova (NETHERLANDS) et al. | A REVIEW OF HIS POETRY COLLECTION by Sarita Jenamani (AUSTRIASecretary-General of the PEN International’s Austrian Centre) | Edited by Mitali Chakravarty (SINGAPORE) | Published by BORDERLESS JOURNAL | (SINGAPORE, INDIA, BANGLADESH, USA, AUSTRIA) | MAY 14, 2020
PAVOL JANIK | His poetry collection in ENGLISH | “A DICTIONARY OF FOREIGN DREAMS” translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM), Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA), Pauli Janik (USA), Zuzana Sasovova (NETHERLANDS) et al. | A REVIEW OF HIS POETRY COLLECTION by Sarita Jenamani (AUSTRIASecretary-General of the PEN International’s Austrian Centre) | Edited by Mitali Chakravarty (SINGAPORE) | Published by BORDERLESS JOURNAL | (SINGAPORE, INDIA, BANGLADESH, USA, AUSTRIA) | MAY 14, 2020
PAVOL JANIK | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (MAY 15, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | His poetry collection in ENGLISH | “A DICTIONARY OF FOREIGN DREAMS” translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM), Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA), Pauli Janik (USA), Zuzana Sasovova (NETHERLANDS) et al. | A REVIEW OF HIS POETRY COLLECTION by Sarita Jenamani (AUSTRIASecretary-General of the PEN International’s Austrian Centre) | Edited by Mitali Chakravarty (SINGAPORE) | Published by BORDERLESS JOURNAL | (SINGAPORE, INDIA, BANGLADESH, USA, AUSTRIA) | MAY 14, 2020
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ROMANIAN | International Literary Portal POETII NOSTRI
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (MAY 1, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Mitali Chakravarty (SINGAPORE) | Published by BORDERLESS JOURNAL | (SINGAPORE, INDIA, BANGLADESH, USA, AUSTRIA) | MAY 1, 2020
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (MAY 1, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "VISDOM" (in ENGLISH) / "MÚDROSŤ" (in SLOVAK) | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (APRIL 6, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | Anthology WORLD HEALING, WORLD PEACE 2020 | POEM translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) & ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by William S. Peters Sr. (USA) | Published by INNER CHILD PRESS INTERNATIONAL | APRIL 2020
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | “CHRYSANTHEMATIKA” | “A DREAM FROM THE GLASS” | “THE LAST FOUR BARS OF SILENCE” | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (APRIL 1, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS | "I AM CRYING YOU, MORNING" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | "ON THE LINE MAN – WOMAN AND BACK" | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | POETRY OUT LOUD | LONDON | FEBRUARY 2020
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "PROLONGING MY UNDERSTANDING" | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (February 4, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | “PROLONGING MY UNDERSTANDING” | “AT THE TABLE” | “NOCTURNE FOR DIABETES” | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (February 1, 2020)
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2019:
PAVOL JANIK | VIRTUOSO OF SLOVAK LITERATURE | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (December 8, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | “I’M WITH YOU” | “ODE TO JOY” | “UNSENT TELEGRAM” | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (December 1, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Published by PATRIA POETILOR | Edited by ION P. IACOB | November 13, 2019
POHOV! VOLNO! ROZCHOD! - An Anthology of Essays & Memoirs | in Czech & Slovak | co-author PAVOL JANIK | Published by OREGO (Prague 2019) front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | POEM in ENGLISH & SLOVAK "I AM CRYING YOU, MORNING" / "PLAČEM ŤA, RÁNO" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (October 23, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | “INTO THE BLUE” | “MOLTO ADAGIO” | “PEDESTRIAN WITH ABSOLUTE RIGHT OF WAY” | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Edited by Nilavro Nill Shoovro (INDIA) | Published by OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (October 1, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into CHINESE by Tzemin Iton Tsai | August 11, 2019:
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "EX OFFO" | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (August 2, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM in ENGLISH & SLOVAK "I AM CRYING YOU, MORNING" / "PLAČEM ŤA, RÁNO" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades (CANADA) | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (ALBANIA / BELGIUM) (July 23, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "I AM CRYING YOU, MORNING" & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | in SPANISH | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Albania / Belgium) (June 25, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "PIANO" | in ENGLISH | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Albania / Belgium) (June 13, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS AND ABOUT THE AUTHOR | in ENGLISH | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Albania / Belgium) (March 15, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM in ALBANIAN & SLOVAK | Translated into ALBANIAN by Riza Lahi | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Albania / Belgium) (February 5, 2019)
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2018:
PAVOL JANICK = PAVOL JANIK | 10 POEMS AND ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | Editor JIM BENNETT | The POETRY Kit | LIVERPOOL | ENGLAND | CITN 106 | June 2012
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS AND ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into SPANISH by Michael Doubek, Germain Droogenbroodt, Rafael Carcelen | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | Translated into ITALIAN Luciana De Palma | Editor Fernando Sabido Sanchez | POETAS SIGLO XXI – ANTOLOGIA MUNDIAL + 20.000 POETAS | May 30, 2017
PAVOL JANIK | ABOUT THE AUTHOR (written) in ENGLISH & POEM (sound) "THE THEATER OF LIFE" in SLOVAK | POETRY SOUND LIBRARY | Project by Giovanna Iorio | LONDON | December 2, 2018 || Opening of sound is based on 2 clicking on the name PAVOL JANIK (Slovakia)
PAVOL JANIK | VERSATILE VERSES | AN ANTHOLOGY OF POEMS | Chief Editor: Sarbashis Kumar Paul | December 2018 | INDIA
PAVOL JANIK | POETRY | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | ANTHOLOGY "ORMANENT" | December 10, 2018 | USA
PAVOL JANIK | POETRY | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | ANTHOLOGY "THIS IS WHERE I LIVE" | December 10, 2018 | USA
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "AT THE TABLE" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | ANTHOLOGY "NATURAL LIGHT" | December 9, 2018 | USA
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "A BIG CLEAR OUT" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | ANTHOLOGY "THE 2019 LITERARY REVIEW DATE BOOK" | December 6, 2018 | USA
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "AN EMERGENCY LANDING IN YOUR HAIR" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | ANTHOLOGY "STILL LIFE" | December 5, 2018 | USA
PAVOL JANIK | POEM "I AM CRYING YOU, MORNING" | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | ANTHOLOGY "ACCEPT APART" | December 5, 2018 | USA
PAVOL JANIK | POETRY | WHISPERS OF SOFLAY | Yearly Anthology of Poetry (Volume 2) | Editors Alicia Minjares Ramirez (MEXICO) & Rehmat Changaizi (PAKISTAN) | Published by Soflay Inc. (November 24, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | CO-AUTHOR | LOVE POSTCARDS | INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY OF POETRY | POEM TO YOU | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UK) | EDITORS: Alicja Maria Kuberska (POLAND) & Alicia Minjarez Ramirez (MEXICO) | Published in the USA | 2018 | PAGE 144
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (October 20, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (September 14, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | Translated into POLISH by Alicja Kuberska | International Literary Anthology METAPHOR OF MODERN TIMES | Autumn 2018
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | NIGHT BUS | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (August 22, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | INDIFARING MUSE | An Anthology of Poems | Published in INDIA | 2018
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | ON THE LINE MAN – WOMAN AND BACK | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (June 4, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith & Heather Trebaticka (nee King) | ATUNIS GALAXY ANTHOLOGY – 2018 | An Anthology of Contemporary World Poetry | Editor in Chief Agron Shele (BELGIUM) | May 2018
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades & James Sutherland-Smith | IFLAC ANTI-WAR AND PEACE ANTHOLOGY 2018 | Editors: Ada Aharoni (ISRAEL) & Vijay Kumar Roy (INDIA) | IFLAC – The International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace | May 2018
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | DRIZZLE | POEM in ENGLISH, SLOVAK and SERBIAN | Translated into ENGLISH and into SERBIAN by Smiljana Piksiades | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (May 1, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | YOU CAN TELL AN ANGEL FROM HIS FEATHERS | POEM in ENGLISH, SLOVAK and SERBIAN | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | Translated into SERBIAN by Smiljana Piksiades | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (January 26, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | POETRY | WHISPERS OF SOFLAY | Yearly Anthology of Poetry (Volume 1) | Editors Alicia Minjares Ramirez (MEXICO) & Rehmat Changaizi (PAKISTAN) | Published by Soflay Inc. (January 16, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS in ENGLISH & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades, Pavol Janik Junior, James Sutherland-Smith | OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (January 1, 2018)
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2017:
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | THE THEATER OF LIFE | POEM in ENGLISH | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (December 29, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | INTERVIEW | TATJANA DEBELJACKI WITH PAVOL JANIK | in ENGLISH | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (November 29, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | A DICTIONARY OF FOREIGN DREAMS | POEM in ENGLISH and SLOVAK | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (November 26, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | AT THE TABLE | POEM in ENGLISH, SLOVAK and SERBIAN | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | Translated into SERBIAN by Smiljana Piksiades | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (November 8, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | SLOVAK, ALBANIAN (tr. Riza Lahi), BULGARIAN (tr. Vatyo Rakovski), CROATIAN (tr. Ludwig Bauer), CZECH (tr. Karel Sys), ENGLISH (tr. James Sutherland-Smith & Smiljana Piksiades), GERMAN (tr. Tibor Valuch & Norbert Repas), HUNGARIAN (tr. Norbert Repas), MACEDONIAN (tr. Stojan Lekoski), ROMANIAN (tr. Simona-Grazia Dima), RUSSIAN (tr. Natalia Shvedova & Elena Tambovtseva), SPANISH (tr. Michael Doubek) | Edited by Norbert Repas | Published by VISEGRAD MAGIC CUBE – Part of Babel Web Anthology
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | BAD HABIT | POEM in ENGLISH, SLOVAK and SERBIAN | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | Translated into SERBIAN by Smiljana Piksiades | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (September 22, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | CONTEMPORARY POETRY (Volume 4 – 2017) | An Anthology of Present Day Best Poems | Editors: Deepak Chaswal and Pradeep Chaswal | (September 16, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | TRANSLATION || ADA AHARONI | ISRAELI POEM "CHILDREN ARE STARS OF PEACE" in ENGLISH, SLOVAK (tr. PAVOL JANIK) and HUNGARIAN (tr. NORBERT REPAS) | Edited by Norbert Repas | Published by BABELMATRIX: Web Anthology – the Multilingual Literature Portal (September 5, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into SPANISH by Michael Doubek | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (August 19, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into HUNGARIAN by Norbert Repas | Edited by Norbert Repas | Published by MAGYARUL BABELBEN | Literary Anthology
PAVOL JANIK | POEM & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith | The Muse (June 2017 Issue) | An International Journal of Poetry | Editors: Deepak Chaswal and Pradeep Chaswal | The Muse (Volume 5 | No. 1) contains works of 90 poets from 26 countries. (July 2, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS in ENGLISH and SLOVAK | Translated into ENGLISH by Smiljana Piksiades and James Sutherland-Smith | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (June 17, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | ABOUT THE AUTHOR | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (June 15, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | Translated into English by James Sutherland-Smith | SALT BOUNDARIES | An Anthology of Poetry | Edited by Malak Sahioni Soufi | Published by Don Quijote Publishing and Distributing (Damascus, Syria) | Managed by Vision Libros (Madrid, Spain)
PAVOL JANIK | ABOUT THE AUTHOR | International Literary Portal ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY | Published by Agron Shele (Belgium) (March 12, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | Translated into Dutch by Germain Droogenbroodt | HALLO, leading Dutch magazine published in Spain (10.000 copies) (March, 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | Translated into Spanish by Michael Doubek | Spanish literary periodical AZAHAR (March 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | POEMS & ABOUT THE AUTHOR | Translated into Serbian by Milica Miljkovic | Serbian literary periodical KNJIZEVNI PREGLED | Published in Belgrade (January – February – March 2017)
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2016:
PAVOL JANIK | essay | Almanach Kmene 2016 (Hej, Slovane!) / Almanac Kmen 2016 (Hey, Slavs!) | (Publishing House Kmen 2016) – An Anthology of the Czech and Slavic Poetry and Prose
  • PAVOL JANIK | essay | Bratovrazedna vojna / Fratricidal War:
  • Literatura.Umeni.Kultura (22/2014 | September 17, 2014)
  • (July 23, 2014)
  • Kosmas: | Databaze knih – books: | Martinus: | ABC knihy: | Knihcentrum: | Megaknihy: | Panta Rhei: | | Gorila: | Knihy Dobrovský: | | | | Heureka: | | Najlacnejsie knihy: | Literama: | eCampus: | Eurobooks: | Alibris: | Amazon, UK: | Amazon, USA: | Amazon, INDIA 1: | Amazon, INDIA 2: | Amazon, CANADA: | Amazon, AUSTRALIA: | Amazon, ARAB EMITATES: | Amazon, ITALY:
  • Goodreads, USA:
  • front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | poems | an International Literary Portal SAHATYA SANGALO | Published in Nepal (July 2016):
PAVOL JANIK | POEM | Translated into English by James Sutherland-Smith | THE COFFEE HOUSE ANTHOLOGY, edited by Deborah Tyler Bennett, published by Charnwood Arts and supported by ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND. Copies on sale are in bookshops in the United Kingdom, Ireland and in the USA.
PAVOL JANIK | poems | an International Literary Portal SAHATYA SANGALO | Published in Nepal (June 2016):
PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | poems | Translated into Russian by Daria Anisimova / Дарья Анисимова | Daria Vashchenko / Дарья Ващенко | in the International Almanac of Slavic Poetry | Published in Russia (May 2016):
  • read it in Russian:
  • front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | E-BOOKS | Diversity | Collection of poetry, fiction and essays of PEN International (January 18, 2016):
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2015:
PAVOL JANIK | poems | an International Literary Portal SAHATYA SANGALO | Published in Nepal (November 2015):
PAVOL JANIK | | an International Literary Portal | Published in Turkey (October 17, 2015):
PAVOL JANIK | BABELMATRIX | Babel Web Anthology – the Multilingual Literature Portal (August 23, 2015):
PAVOL JANIK | Poetas del Mundo | an International Literary Portal | Published in Chile (June 6, 2015):
PAVOL JANIK | aphorisms:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2014:
PAVOL JANIK | POEM “SUMMER” translated into ENGLISH by James Sutherland-Smith (UNITED KINGDOM) | ABOUT THE AUTHOR translated into ENGLISH by Heather Trebaticka, nee King (UNITED KINGDOM) | Published in the USA | EVERY DAY POEMS – EVERY WRITER (February 28, 2014)
PAVOL JANÍK | DIVERSITY | Collection of Poetry, Fiction and Essays of PEN INTERNATIONAL
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2013:
Almanach Nibiru 2013 (Znovu po konci sveta) / Almanac Nibiru 2013 (After the End of the World Again) (2013) | An Anthology of the Czech and Slovak Poetry and Prose:
  • co-author PAVOL JANIK | prologue by Ivana Blahutova | editor Ivana Blahutova
  • Obrys-Kmen (43/2013)
  • (September 2, 2013)
  • Databaze knih – CV:
  • Databaze knih – books: | Martinus: | ABC knihy: | Knihcentrum: | Megaknihy: | Panta Rhei: | | Gorila: | Knihy Dobrovský: | | | | Heureka: | | Najlacnejsie knihy: | Literama: | eCampus: | Eurobooks: | Alibris: | Amazon, UK: | Amazon, USA: | Amazon, INDIA 1: | Amazon, INDIA 2: | Amazon, CANADA: | Amazon, AUSTRALIA: | Amazon, ARAB EMITATES: | Amazon, ITALY:
  • Goodreads, USA:
  • front cover:
Dvadsat rokov socialno-ekonomickeho rozvoja Slovenskej republiky / Twenty Years of Socio-Economic Development of the Slovak Republic) (2013) | An Anthology of Essays and Scientific Studies:
  • co-author PAVOL JANIK | prologue by Ladislav Lysak | editor Ladislav Lysak
  • VIDEO (SK): // VIDEO (EN): // VIDEO (RU): // VIDEO (ES):
  • front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2012:
PAVOL JANIK | poem | Translated into English by James Sutherland-Smith | Published on the portal of the world association of writers PEN DIALOGUE (2012):
Nas jubilant Andrej Cervenak / Jubilee of Andrej Cervenak - An International Anthology of Essays and Studies on Oustanding Slovak Literary Scholar Andrej Cervenak | in Slovak, Czech, Russian and Ukrainian | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors Jozef Vladar and Natalia Muranska | published by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2012) front cover:
Partokratizmus a demokracia / Partocracy and Democracy - An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors PAVOL JANIK and Alexander Piekov | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom | with support of President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gasparovic (2012) | Slovo | Kniháreň (2012) | front cover:
Tabuizovana Zivotaschopnost kapitalizmu / Taboo Vitality of Capitalism - An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors PAVOL JANIK and Alexander Piekov | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom | with support of President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gasparovic (2012) | Slovo | Kniháreň (2012) | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2012 / Almanac Nitra 2012 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors Andrej Cervenak and Jozef Vladar (2012) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2011:
Rozhovory po rokoch / Interviews after Years (2011) | book of interviews with outstanding Slovak writers
  • questions & prologue by Lubos Jurik | editor Marta Babikova
  • PAVOL JANIK, Ballek, Blazkova, Buzassy, Dobias, Feldek, Feldekova, Hevier, Hykisch, Chmel, Chudoba, Jaros, Kadlecik, Lasica, Marencin, Mihalkovic, Mikula, Moravcik, Peteraj, Sabik, Stepka, Tazky, Turcany, Tuzinsky, Zahradnik, Zelinka, Zimkova and others
  • in periodicals:
  • DAV DVA (MAY 25, 2020)
  • Slovensky rozhlad (JULY 2018)
  • (July 6, 2018)
  • Literatura.Umeni.Kultura (4/2018 | January 24, 2018)
  • Dimenzie (September 2013)
  • humanisti (September 6, 2013)
  • Hlas ludu (Serbia | November 19, 2011)
  • Databaze knih – books: | Martinus: | ABC knihy: | Knihcentrum: | Megaknihy: | Panta Rhei: | | Gorila: | Knihy Dobrovský: | | | | Heureka: | | Najlacnejsie knihy: | Literama: | eCampus: | Eurobooks: | Alibris: | Amazon, UK: | Amazon, USA: | Amazon, INDIA 1: | Amazon, INDIA 2: | Amazon, CANADA: | Amazon, AUSTRALIA: | Amazon, ARAB EMITATES: | Amazon, ITALY:
  • Goodreads, USA:
  • front cover:
Tragegia doby, cloveka, literatury / The Tragedy of Era, Human Being, Literature | An International Anthology of Essays and Studies | in Slovak, Russian and Czech | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editorka Natalia Muranska | published by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (2011) | front cover:
Nas jubilant Jan Tuzinsky / Jubilee of Jan Tuzinsky | An International Anthology of Essays and Studies on Oustanding Slovak Writer Jan Tuzinsky | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak | published by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2011) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Pavla Stanislava / The Life and Works of Pavol Stanislav) - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2011) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2010:
Don Quijote a Idiot / Don Quixote and the Idiot | An International Anthology of Essays and Studies | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak | published by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2010) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo | Zivot v literature | Moj Album / Life and Works | Life in Literature | My Scrapbook - An Anthology of Fragments from Studies (from Scientific Congresses of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra) | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2010) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2009:
Crna violina | Antologia slovacke poezije / The Black Violin | An Anthology of the Slovak Poetry (2009) | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | translated into Croatian by Ludwig Bauer | prologue by Ludwig Bauer | editor Ludwig Bauer | PAVOL JANIK ( December 2, 2009) | front cover:
Поезія, молитва серца | Антологія словацької поезії / Poetry, the Prayer of the Heart | An Anthology of Slovak Poetry | read it in Ukrainian: | co-author PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНІК | translated by Sergiy Makara / Сергій Макара | epilogue Natalia Kiselyova | editor Sergiy Makara / Сергій Макара (2009) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Mariny ceretkovej-Gallovej / The Life and Works of Marina ceretkova-Gallova - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2009) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Jozefa Boba / The Life and Works of Jozef Bob - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2009) | Obrys-Kmen 49/2009: | front cover:
Priestor slova /Space of the Word - An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors PAVOL JANIK and Alexander Pekov | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom | with support of President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gasparovic (2009) | front cover:
Kultura v krize, kriza v kulture / Culture in Crisis, Crisis in Culture - An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors PAVOL JANIK and Alexander Pekov | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom | with support of President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gasparovic (2009) | front cover:
Anton Habovstiak v spomienkach / In Memory of Anton Habovstiak | An Anthology of Essays on Oustanting Slovak Linguist and Writer | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors Katarina Habovstiakova and Anna Kovacova, nee Habovstiakova (2009) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2007:
Із кузни часу | Антологія сучасної словацької поезії / From the Forge of Time | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Poetry | read it in Ukrainian: | co-author PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНІК | translated by Illya Galayda / Ілля Галайда | prologue by Illya Galayda / Ілля Галайда | editor Illya Galayda / Ілля Галайда (2007) | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2007 / Almanac Nitra 2007 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2007) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Pavla Hudika / The Life and Works of Pavol Hudik - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2007) | front cover:
Letokruhy Literarneho tyzdennika / Annual Rings of Literarny tyzdennik - an anthology of works published in the Slovak literary weekly Literarny tyzdennik (1988 | 2006) | co-author PAVOL JANIK | prologue by Jozef Bob | editor Jozef Bob | with support of the Ministry of the Culture of the Slovak Republic (2007) | Obrys-Kmen 4/2007: | front & back cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2006:
Из века в век | Словацкая поезиа XX-XXI / From Century to Century | An Anthology of Slovak Poetry from the Second Half of the 20th Century to Beginning of the 21st Century (2006) | in Russian | co-author PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | read it in Russian: | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | prologues by PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК and Sergey Glovyuk / Сергей Гловюк | editors Sergey Glovyuk / Сергей Гловюк and Juraj Kalnicky / Юрай Калницкий | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation | read prologue by Pavol Janik in Russian: or part 1 / part 2 / part 3 | Литературная Газета (20/2006 | May 24-30, 2006) | Obrys-Kmen (December 13, 2006): | Форум славянских культур: | Литературная Газета | online (May 23, 2007) Литературная Газета | archive 1 (May 23, 2007) | Литературная Газета | archive 2 (May 23, 2007) | Slovenske pohlady (1/2012) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Z pekna stastie / Beauty's Own Luck (2006) | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | experimentalist cycle of PAVOL JANIK's poems | 3rd Part of Anthology of Slovak Poets of 20th Century (Serial Publication) Dobre dni, slovenska poezia! / Nice Days, Slovak Poetry! | epilogue by Ludovit Fuchs | editor Ludovit Fuchs front cover:
Verse pred svitanim | Basne (nie)len o laske a stasti / Verse Before Sunrise | Poems (not) only about Love and Happiness - An anthology of Slovak Amorous Poetry | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | epilogue by Stefan Moravcik | editor Natasa Durinova (2006) | Obrys-Kmen (17/2006) and Ludove noviny (26/2006, Hungary) | front cover:
Multikulturalizmus | nadeje a pochybnosti / Multiculturalism | Hopes and Uncertainties - An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor PAVOL JANIK | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom | with support of President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gasparovic (2006)
  • Databaze knih – books: | Martinus: | ABC knihy: | Knihcentrum: | Megaknihy: | Panta Rhei: | | Gorila: | Knihy Dobrovský: | | | | Heureka: | | Najlacnejsie knihy: | Literama: | eCampus: | Eurobooks: | Alibris: | Amazon, UK: | Amazon, USA: | Amazon, INDIA 1: | Amazon, INDIA 2: | Amazon, CANADA: | Amazon, AUSTRALIA: | Amazon, ARAB EMITATES: | Amazon, ITALY:
  • Goodreads, USA:
  • WorldCat, USA: | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2006 / Almanac Nitra 2006 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2006) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Laca Zrubca / The Life and Works of Laco Zrubec - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2006) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2005:
По непрочному воздуху (По следам XI Московского Фестиваля верлибра) | альманах | 2005
  • PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | POEMS in the international almanac VAVILON, translated into RUSSIAN | ONLINE by Daria Anisimova / Дарья Анисимова // Daria Vashchenko / Дарья Ващенко and Natalia Shvedova / Наталья Шведова
  • PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | POEMS in the international almanac VAVILON, translated into RUSSIAN | ARCHIVE by Daria Anisimova / Дарья Анисимова // Daria Vashchenko / Дарья Ващенко and Natalia Shvedova / Наталья Шведова
Jinym hlasem | Projevy z konference ceska literatura v Evropske unii / By Another Voice | Speeches from Conference Czech Literature in European Union - An Anthology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Daniel Stroz | GUE/NGL | Confederal Group in European Parliament (2005) | Obrys-Kmen (44/2005) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Dlan / Palm of Hand | supplement of the magazine of the Union of Czech Writers Obrys-Kmen | May 1, 2005: prologue 1 | bodies of SWS | prologue 2 | index | read it in Slovak | pages 7: | read it in Slovak | pages 42–46: and samples from anthology:
Psano do budoucna | ceska literatura v Evropske unii / Writen to the Future | Czech Literature in European Union - An Anthology of Best Essays Published in the Czech Literary Magazine Obrys-Kmen | co-author PAVOL JANIK | prologue by Daniel Stroz, epilogue by Karel Sys | editor Daniel Stroz | GUE/NGL | Confederal Group in European Parliament (2005) | Obrys-Kmen (12/2003) | Obrys-Kmen (4/2006) | read it in Czech and Slovak | pages 198–200: | front cover:
Bytie a cas (kultury) / Being and Time of (Culture) - An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor PAVOL JANIK | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom (2005) | Obrys-Kmen (9/2006) | front cover:
Od federacie k samostatnosti Slovenskej republiky a jej rozvoj | Pocta Jaroslavovi Chovancovi k 70. narodeninam / From Federation to Independence of the Slovak Republic and Its Development | Tribute to Jubilee of Jaroslav Chovanec - An Anthology of Essays and Studies | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Igor Palus (2005) | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2005 / Almanac Nitra 2005 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2005) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2004:
In Search of Beauty: An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Poetry in English (2004) | published in USA | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in English: | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | read samples in Slovak: | prologues by Jan Tuzinsky and Pavol Hudik | read prologue by Jan Tuzinsky in Slovak: | read prologue by Pavol Hudík in Slovak: | translated into English by James Sutherland-Smith | editors Pavol Hudik and Lucy Bednar | PAVOL JANIK (Kanadsky Slovak / The Canadian Slovak March 1, 2008): part 1 a part 2 | Euroreport (July | August 2004) | Ludove noviny (22/2004, Hungary) | Slovo (29/2004): Slovo 1 | Slovo 2 | Krajansky pozdrav (Summer 2004) | Obrys-Kmen (34/2012) |
  • Databaze knih – books: | Martinus: | ABC knihy: | Knihcentrum: | Megaknihy: | Panta Rhei: | | Gorila: | Knihy Dobrovský: | | | | Heureka: | | Najlacnejsie knihy: | Literama: | eCampus: | Eurobooks: | Alibris: | Amazon, UK: | Amazon, USA: | Amazon, INDIA 1: | Amazon, INDIA 2: | Amazon, CANADA: | Amazon, AUSTRALIA: | Amazon, ARAB EMITATES: | Amazon, ITALY:
  • Goodreads, USA:
  • front & back cover:
Najkrajsi kut / The Prettiest Region | An Anthologies of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK, prologue by President of the Slovak Republic Ivana Gasparovic, editors Emil Semanco and Dana skridlova (2004) | pages: 92 / 93 / 94 | front cover:
Europska unia | nadeje a pochybnosti / European Union | Hopes and Uncertainties - An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor PAVOL JANIK | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2004) read it in Slovak and Czech: | Літерaтура і мастацтва (Januar 2005): Літерaтура і мастацтва 1 and Літерaтура і мастацтва 2 | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2004 / Almanac Nitra 2004 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2004) | front cover:
Nas jubilant Ladislav Tazky / Jubilee of Ladislav Tazky | An Anthology of Essays and Studies on Oustanding Slovak Writer Ladislav tazky | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak | published by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (2004) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Viliama Turcanyho / The Life and Works of Viliam Turcany - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2004) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2003:
Струшки вечери на поезијата / Struga Poetry Evenings | An Anthology of Poems by Participiants of International Poetry Festival | co-author PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЈАНИК | translated into Macedonian by Stoyan Lekoski / Стојан Лекоски (2003) | pages 55 and 56 | Obrys-Kmen (51/2003)
Verse po objati | Basne (nie)len pre zamilovanych / Verse After Embrace | Poems (not) only for Lovers - An anthology of Slovak Amorous Poetry | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | epilogue by Stefan Moravcik | editor Natasa Durinova (2003) | Obrys-Kmen (17/2006) and Ludove noviny (26/2006, Hungary) | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2003 / Almanac Nitra 2003 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2003) | front cover:
Labyrint sveta a Slovania / Labyrinth of the World and Slavs | An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Ingrid Skalicka | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom (2003) | Літерaтура і мастацтва (Januar 2005): Літерaтура і мастацтва 1 and Літерaтура і мастацтва 2 | Literarny tyzdennik (8-9/2004) | Obrys-Kmen (48/2003) | front cover:
Nas jubilant Jan Lenco / Jubilee of Jan Lenco) | An Anthology of Essays and Studies on the Outstanding Slovak Writer Jan Lenco | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak | published by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (2003) | front cover:
Pavol Stanislav jubiluje | Pamatnica k basnikovej sestdesiatke / Jubilee of Pavol Stanislav | Tribute To Birthday Celebrant - An Anthology od Essays on the Oustanding Slovak Poet Pavol Stanislav | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Jozef Melicher (2003) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2002:
In Search of Homo Sapiens: Twenty-Five Contemporary Slovak Short Stories (2002) | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | Published in the USA | prologue by PAVOL JANIK | read prologue by Pavol Janik in English: | read prologue by Pavol Janik in Slovak: | epilogue by Pavol Hudik | read epilogue by Pavol Hudik in Slovak: | translated into English by Heather Trebaticka, nee King | editors Pavol Hudik and Lucy Bednar | LIC | The Centre for Information on Literature: PAVOL JANIK a ANDREJ MATASIK (Obrys-Kmen 36/2002)
  • Databaze knih – books: | Martinus: | ABC knihy: | Knihcentrum: | Megaknihy: | Panta Rhei: | | Gorila: | Knihy Dobrovský: | | | | Heureka: | | Najlacnejsie knihy: | Literama: | eCampus: | Eurobooks: | Alibris: | Amazon, UK: | Amazon, USA: | Amazon, INDIA 1: | Amazon, INDIA 2: | Amazon, CANADA: | Amazon, AUSTRALIA: | Amazon, ARAB EMITATES: | Amazon, ITALY:
  • Goodreads, USA:
  • front cover:
  • back cover:
Thanks to this book a new island has appeared on the map of world literature... (from PAVOL JANIK's prologue) | PAVOL JANIK (Kanadsky Slovak / The Canadian Slovak 1. 3. 2008): part 1 and part 2 | Slovenske zahranicie (3/2002) | SONA SIPOVA (Obrys-Kmen 3/2003) | Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers | Euroreport (July | August 2004) | PAVOL JANIK (Obrys-Kmen 34/2012)
Голоса столетий | Антология словацкой поезии от истоков до конца XX века / Voices of Centuries | An Anthology of Slovak Poetry from Beginning to the End of 20th Century (2002) | in Russian | co-author PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | read it in Russian: | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | editors Alla Mashkova / Алла Машкова and Natalia Shvedova / Наталия Шведова | published by Moscow University | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation | ALEXEJ MIKULASEK (Obrys-Kmen 13/2003) | front cover:
Na druhem brehu | Sbornik clenu Unie ceskych spisovatelu / On the Other Side of the River | An Anthology of Members of the Union of Czech Writers - co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Karel Sys (2002) | Obrys-Kmen (43/2002) | front cover:
Desat rokov Slovenskej republiky / Ten Years of the Slovak Republic | An Anthology of Essays to 10th Anniversary of Establishment of the Slovak Republic | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editors PAVOL JANIK and Jozef Bob | with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2002) | front & back cover:
Desatkrat desat / Ten by Ten | An Anthology of Ten Essays to 10th Anniversary of Establishment of the Slovak Republic | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Matasik | with support of Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Jozef Migas (2002) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Andreja Cervenaka / The Life and Works of Andrej Cervenak - An Anthology of Studies from International Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Ladislav Zrubec (2002) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Stefana Moravcika / The Life and Works of Stefan Moravcik - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2002) | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2002 / Almanac Nitra 2002 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2002) | front cover:
Vichor globalizacie / Windstorm of Globalization | An International Antology of Essays | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Ingrid Skalicka | published by International Forum Ambassadors of the Slavdom (2002) | LIC | The Centre for Information on Literature: | Літерaтура і мастацтва (Januar 2005): Літерaтура і мастацтва 1 and Літерaтура і мастацтва 2 | front cover:
  • LIC | The Centre for Information on Literature:
Slovo | Almanach vedeckych uvah a umeleckych aktivit 1/2002 / The Word | An Almanac of Scientific Reflections and Artistic Activities - co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Ondrej Marusiak (2002) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2001:
World Congress of Poets | Anthology of World Academy of Arts & Culture | 30th Anniversary | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | published by World Academy of Arts & Culture Inc. in USA (2001) | front cover:
Harmony | Anthology of Poets Participating in the 3rd World Congress of Poets for Poetry Research and Recitation | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | editor Dorin Popa, Congress Place Iasi in Romania (2001) | Novy den (13. 11. 2001) | front cover:
Hladanie krasy / In Search of Beauty | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Poetry | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Pavol Hudik (2001) read it in Slovak | pages 42–46: | read it in English: | read it in Slovak:
Almanach Nitra 2001 / Almanac Nitra 2001 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2001): front cover:
Zivot a dielo troch... Vitazoslav Hronec, Gregor Papucek a Ondrej Stefanko / The Life and Works of Three... Vitazoslav Hronec, Gregor Papucek a Ondrej Stefanko - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2001) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Jana Tuzinskeho / The Life and Works of Jan Tuzinsky - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2001) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 2000:
Истината с прекрасно дълги крака | Антология девет словашки поети / The Truth with Splendidly Long Legs | An Anthology of Nine Slovak Poets | co-author PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | read it in Bulgarian: | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | translated into Bulgarian by Dimitar Stefanov / Димитър Стефанов | epilogue by Dimitar Stefanov / Димитър Стефанов | editor Dimitar Stefanov / Димитър Стефанов (2000) | Български писател (part 1) and Български писател (part 2) | Literarny tyzdennik (12/2003) | front & back cover:
  • LIC | The Centre for Information on Literature:
Poezijom usustret novom tisućljeću | Međunarodni pjesnicki festival / By Poetry Go Towards a New Millennium | International Poetry Festival | An Anthology of Poems by Participiants of International Poetry Festival | read it in English: | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | translated into Croatian by Ludwig Bauer | editor Ludwig Bauer (2000) | pages 1266 and 1267 | info: Novy den (February 21, 2001) | front cover:
Hladanie cloveka / In Search of Homo Sapiens | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Short Stories | prologue by PAVOL JANIK | editor Pavol Hudik (2000) read it in Slovak | page 7:
Slovenska statnost a jej rozvoj | Zbornik na pocest 65. narodenin Jaroslava Chovanca / Slovak Statehood and Its Development | Tribute to Jubilee of Jaroslav Chovanec - An Anthology of Essays and Studies | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Michal Gaspar (2000) | front cover:
Almanach Nitra 2000 / Almanac Nitra 2000 | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2000) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Petra Jarosa / The Life and Works of Peter Jaros - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2000) | front cover:
Zivot a dielo Osvadla Zahranika / The Life and Works of Osvald Zahradnik - An Anthology of Studies from Scientific Congress of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | co-author PAVOL JANIK | editor Andrej Cervenak (2000) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1998:
18. Svetovy kongres basnikov / 18th World Congress of Poets | in English | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | editor Milan Richter | Under the Auspices of the World Academy of Arts and Culture and UNESCO (1998) | front cover:
A Violin Before the Open Window | An Anthology of Best Poems Submitted to the Jan Smrek Prize Contest by Participants of the 18th World Congress of Poets | in English | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | editor Milan Richter | published with the support of UNESCO (1998) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | Pasca na seba / The Trap / Ловушка для себя | theater play (1995) | in literary magazine (1995)
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1993:
PAVOL JANIK / ПАВОЛ ЯНИК | Sukromny striptiz / A Private Striptease / Частный стриптиз)
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1989:
Naco su nam rodicia | citanie o starostiach deti s rodicmi a naopak / Why There Are Parents for Us | Reading about Children Troubles with Parents and Vice Versa co-author PAVOL JANIK
  • An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Literature (poetry & prose)
  • editor PAVOL JANIK | prologue by PAVOL JANIK
  • psychological co-operation by Anna Okruhlicova (1989)
  • National Library of the Czech Republic:
  • OBSAH / CONTENTS online
  • OBSAH / CONTENTS archive
  • Databaze knih – CV:
  • Databaze knih – books: | Martinus: | ABC knihy: | Knihcentrum: | Megaknihy: | Panta Rhei: | | Gorila: | Knihy Dobrovský: | | | | Heureka: | | Najlacnejsie knihy: | Literama: | eCampus: | Eurobooks: | Alibris: | Amazon, UK: | Amazon, USA: | Amazon, INDIA 1: | Amazon, INDIA 2: | Amazon, CANADA: | Amazon, AUSTRALIA: | Amazon, ARAB EMITATES: | Amazon, ITALY:
  • Goodreads, USA:
  • front & back cover:
Basne na telo | Antologia modernej slovenskej erotickej poezie / Poems on Body | An Anthology of Modern Slovak Erotic Poetry – co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | read it in English: | epilogue by Stefan Moravcik | editors Valer Mikula and Stefan Moravcik (1989) | Pravda (March 21, 1990) | Obrys-Kmen (17/2006) and Ludove noviny (26/2006, Hungary) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1988:
Dlhsi o hlavu | Antologia sucasnej slovenskej satirickej poezie / Lengthen by the Head | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Satiric Poetry – co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | read it in English: | epilogue by Rudolf Chmel | editors Jozef certik and TOMAS Janovic (1988) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1987:
Druhy pocas | Antologia sucasnej civilizacnej poezie / Half-Time Report | An Anthology of Contemporary Slovak Forward-Thinking Poetry – co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | read it in English: | epilogue by Peter Zajac | editor Peter Zajac (1987) | front cover:
Kruh | Zbornik mladych autorov / The Circle | Young Slovak Writers' Anthology (poetry & prose)prologue by PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | read it in English: | editors Stanislava Chrobakova and Peter Valcek (1987) | from study by Milos Herko (Mlada poezia v prvej polovici 80. rokov / Young Slovak Authors' Poetry in First Half of the 1980s): MILOS HERKO | front cover:
Чувство экипажа | Киев, Братислава, Берлин, Будапешт, Варшава, София, Прага, Москва / Spirit of Togetherness | Kiev, Bratislava, Berlin, Warsaw, Sofia, Prague, Moscow) | An International Anthology of Contemporary Poetry from Central and East Europe | in Russian | co-author PAVOL JANIK (1987) | read it in Russian: | read it in English: | read it in Slovak: | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1986:
Z tmy svieti tvoja dlan | Vyber z mladsej slovenskej lubostnej poezie / The Palm of Your Hand Shines from the Darkness | An Anthology of Slovak Amorous Poetry by Young Authors | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | read it in English: | epilogue by Teodor Krizka | editor Teodor Krizka (1986) | Obrys-Kmen (17/2006) and Ludove noviny (26/2006, Hungary) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1984:
Na veceru budu stvorlistky | Antologia mladej slovenskej poviedky / For Supper We Will Have Fourfoils | An anthology of Slovak Short Stories by Young Authors | co-author PAVOL JANIK | prologue by Olga Feldekova | editor Olga Feldekova (1984) | front cover:
  • LIC | The Centre for Information on Literature:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1983:
Spravy z mladosti | Literarna mozaika edicie Mlada tvorba / Reports from Youth | Literary Mosaic of Young Slovak Writers' Edition Mlada tvorba | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | read it in English: | prologue by Pavel Koys | editor Jozef Gerboc (1983) | front cover:
PAVOL JANIK | Works in Anthologies | 1977:
Sonety rocnych obdobi / Sonnets of Seasons | Young Slovak Poets' Anthology | co-author PAVOL JANIK | read it in Slovak: | read it in English: | editor Peter Stilicha | study by Viliam Turcany (1977) | front cover:
English | Slovak